RomAN – RomUN Alumni Network
Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
RomAN is a virtual & concrete space created with the aim of providing a common network for all those who participated to one or more editions of RomUN, to maintain and strengthen professional links and personal contacts worldwide.
Its main scope is enhancing information sharing, primarely but not limited to Model United Nations, Model UN Workshop and UN Training.
Therefore, its purpose is twofold:
– it offers a virtual space for information sharing and community building;
– it informs members on activities and programmes related to the United Nations organised or supported by the UNYA/UNA-Italy, the WFUNA and other UNYAs/UNAs worldwide.
Membership to RomAN is free but personal: members must have taken part in at least one edition of RomUN. In order to confirm your membership to RomAN, you just need to send an email to morgante@sioi.org indicating the edition of RomUN that you attended and your citizenship.
You may also join our official Facebook page “RomUN Alumni Network” www.facebook.com/romunalumninetwork and on our Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/romunalumninetwork by submitting your request indicating your name, the edition of RomUN that you attended and your citizenship.
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