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University Master’s Degree in International Relations: Global Crises, Leadership, Human Rights and Technology

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SIOI – P.zza di San Marco 51
00186 Roma
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The Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI) and the University of Rome “Unitelma Sapienza” (Unitelma Sapienza), Department of Legal and Economic Sciences, organize the First Level University Master’s Degree in International Relations: Global Crises, Leadership, Human Rights and Technology.

University Master’s Degree in International Relations: Global Crises, Leadership, Human Rights and Technology


The aim of the Master’s program is to study the dynamics of international relations, develop skills in managing international relations, analyze the role and impact of new technologies and digital communication in international relations, acquire analytical and interdisciplinary skills in addressing global challenges, and explore various sectors of diplomatic action.


The course is addressed to graduates or undergraduates in all disciplines who will achieve the degree at the conclusion of the course.


The Master’s program is open to graduates from all disciplines, managers and officials of civil and military public administration, embassy officials, and managers and officials from the private sector. A bachelor’s degree and good knowledge of English are required.


The Master’s program lasts 12 months, totaling 1500 hours for 60 ECTS, including lessons, tutoring, final assessments, e-tivities, research activities, individual study, project work, and curricular internship. Lessons will be conducted in a hybrid format (online and in-person)



1 – History and Evolution of Global Geopolitical Scenarios (15 ECTS – SPS/04- Political Science)

2 – International Law and State Relations: Between Peacekeeping and Human Rights Protection (15 ECTS – IUS/13 – International Law)

3 – International Economic Relations: Cooperation, Competition, and Disputes (5 ECTS – SECS-P/02 – Economic Policy and 5 ECTS SECS-P/06 – Applied Economics)


  • Impact of Technology on International Relations
  • Negotiation Techniques
  • Crisis Resolution in a Changing International Context
  • Soft Power and Cultural Promotion



At the end of the training course, young graduates will complete a curricular internship at international institutions, public administrations, private associations, and companies. Participants will have individual interviews with SIOI Training Office officials to identify areas of interest for the internship. Upon the candidate’s request, the Master’s Board may allow the internship to be equated with other professional or current work activities. A list of entities affiliated with SIOI available to host interns will be provided. SIOI will stipulate an internship agreement for each participant, ensuring insurance coverage as per Law No. 196/1997.


Each participant must complete a final project work, consisting of the preparation and defense of a thesis on a topic consistent with the Master’s modules, which will be evaluated by the Commission for the awarding of the Master’s degree. The grade will be expressed in one hundred and ten. Upon positive evaluation of the final project by the Master’s Commission, Unitelma Sapienza will issue the First Level Master’s Degree in “International Relations: Global Crises, Leadership, Human Rights and Technology” awarding 60 ECTS.


The application must be submitted by completing the Enrollment Form and sending the required documentation to the email address or by fax to 066789102.
The enrollment fee is €6,000.00, of which €300.00 is non-refundable and must be paid upon submission of the enrollment application via bank transfer to SIOI (UNICREDIT Ag. A Via del Corso, 307 – 00186 Rome) IBAN code: IT11E0200805181000107177053.

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the paid fees will be refunded.


Società Italiana per l’Organizzazione Internazionale, Palazzetto di Venezia, Piazza di San Marco, 51 – 00186 Roma Tel. (39) 06/6920781 / e-mail: – /