Autore: Relazioni Esterne
Rome, 5th February, 2013- NATO Defense College
Address by H.E. the Hon. Franco Frattini
Honorable President Lamers, Honorable President La Loggia, General Dalaugh, Ministers Di Paola and Terzi, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thanks for inviting me to speak at the 58th General Assembly of the Atlantic Treaty Association, which has played since 1954 and continues to play a role of public diplomacy that is more and more crucial today, in order to promote a better understanding of NATO’s policies and goals in members and partner countries in different regions of thee world.
It has become,...
Discours de Mr. Frattini "Éthique et Interculturalité" Paris, Assemblée Nationale
Paris, Assemblée Nationale, 8 Février 20013
Discours de Mr Franco Frattini: “Éthique et Interculturalité”
La globalisation désormais irréversible est une source de menacespour certains aspects du développement du monde et du progrès des peuples, mais c’est aussi une source d’opportunités importantes que nous devrons saisir.
Elle impose aussi des choix décisifs pour l’avenir de l’humanité : c’est de ces choix que dépendra la centralité de la personne humaine dans chaque société, la promotion et la protection des droits fondamentaux...
Security Challanges in a fast changing International Enviroment
Sofia, 30 January 2013
Public Lecture for the “Sofia Forum for the Balkans”
Introducing the guest: Franco Frattini, nominated by the Italian government for the position of Secretary General of NATO and an honorable speaker at the last Sofia Forum for the Balkans, gave a public lecture at Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan on Wednesday 30 January. The lecture has dealt with the topic: “The Changing Security Challenges in Today’s Changing World”. Mr. Frattini is on a working visit in Bulgaria at the invitation of the Bulgarian Minister of Defense, Anu Angelov, and the Bulgarian Minister...
Azerbaijan is a bridge connecting Europe and Asia
News.Az interviews Franco Frattini, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, former EU commissioner, President of the Italian Society for International Organisation (SIOI)
You were among participants of the International Humanitarian Forum in Baku early in October. Share please your impressions from Azerbaijan.
I really appreciate Azerbaijan and the hard work that it is doing and as I underlined during my last visit in October Azerbaijan is a bridge connecting Europe and Asia.
What do you think about cooperation between Azerbaijan and Italy?
Bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and...
Assisi apertura del Corso "Insegnare i Diritti Umani"
Il Presidente Franco Frattini e il Sindaco Claudio Ricci aprono il Corso “Insegnare i Diritti Umani”, riservato ai docenti di ogni ordine e grado.
L’iniziativa, voluta dall’Ufficio per il Sostegno alle Nazioni Unite – Unesco di Assisi e la S.I.O.I, si prefigge “l’insegnamento e l’educazione ai diritti umani nella scuola che – ha detto il sindaco Claudio Ricci – sono di prioritaria importanza per la formazione delle giovani generazioni. Il corso – ha precisato – mira ad offrire, attraverso l’analisi degli strumenti...
Globalising Human Rights: a new Humanism for the XXI century
Franco Frattini: Globalising Human Rights: a new Humanism for the XXI Century
It is for me a great pleasure to address such a distinguished international audience and I would like to thank the organizers of this International Forum for giving me the opportunity to speak about the global challenges, which are impacting on international security, and about the need for a new approach based on inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue, freedom, values and identities to be respected, a solid financial architecture, and for...
29th International Workshop on Global Security
Rome, 16 July, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is for me a great pleasure to address such a distinguished international audience at the 29th International Workshop on Global Security.
In today’s increasingly interconnected world, security challenges have become more transnational and not any longer contained within national boundaries.
This is mainly due to two major historical developments occurred during the last two decades.
The first one, represented by a new and broader...
34ème Moussem Culturel International d'Assilah
Samedì 30 Juin, 2012
Université d’été Al Mouatamid Ibn Abbad (27ème session)- Colloque “Les eaux effervescentes de la Méditerranée : crise au Nord et soulèvement au Sud”
Intervention du President Frattini au colloque “L’Union du Maghreb et l’avenir de la coopération avec les pays du Nord de la Méditerranée”
Les changements démocratiques dans les pays arabes ont crée une nouvelle et positive dynamique politique dans le Maghreb.
Je me réfère en particulier à:
• l’amélioration des relations entre le Maroc et l’Algérie...
Lettera Aperta: Meno regole in un'Europa aperta al Mercato
CORRIERE DELLA SERA, 13 giugno 2012
La crisi dell’eurozona ha messo in evidenza la debolezza della governance europea. Appare così datata la tesi di coloro che propongono «Più Europa» nel solco dei limiti riscontrati e affidano la crescita alla spesa pubblica, ancorché comune. La piramide europea va rovesciata. Non più un vertice senza dimensione da cui promanano verso il basso obblighi e costrizioni, ma una vasta superficie di società libere che si poggia su strati sempre più ridotti di poteri devoluti man mano che ci si avvicina al vertice.
L’Europa di domani o rinasce attraverso...
Intervista al Messaggero del Presidente Frattini
Il Messaggero, Lunedì 11 giugno 2012
Nigeria, assalto ai Cristiani, l’appello di Frattini: “UE intervenga”
di Marco Conti
ROMA – Onorevole Frattini, i cristiani continuano a saltare in aria nel nord della Nigeria e l’Europa continua a voltarsi dall’altra parte. Colpa della crisi?
«C’è questo rischio, ma è grave che accada.Non possiamo dimenticare che un anno fa a Bruxelles ci occupammo della penetrazione delle cellule terroristiche nel Sahara. Oggi registriamo la presenza di truppe mercenarie che hanno saccheggiato i depositi di armi libiche e, senza più Gheddafi,...